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Welcome to the DESSERTS Category on Cooking Romania by Vivi!

Looking for easy desserts recipes? Fruit, pastry, batters, baked cakes, puddings, you name it! Sweet, fast and easy desserts recipes, all in one place, on Cooking Romania by Vivi. Desserts made with love for your family and friends all year round.

For whom is Cooking Romania by Vivi?

This cooking blog contains fun and easy recipes for busy people including the sweetest ones, easy desserts recipesCooking Romania by Vivi mainly addresses businesspersons with a sense of cooking. I don’t have a lot of time to cook (although I would love to LIVE in the kitchen), so I thought I should share some tips and tricks that have made my life easy and my culinary talents quite popular.


About me

I play at the intersection of food and self mastery.

Raw words, feelings, occasionally food.

More about me here and here


For easy recipes for busy people, subscribe/follow Cooking Romania by Vivi:

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Easy Romanian Roasted Butternut Squash (2)

Easy Romanian Roasted Butternut Squash

You can also add raisins, nuts, honey, vanilla or rum extract, even salt and pepper if you feel like it. Feel free to add ingredients to this beautiful simple dish that brings back childhood memories every time you cook it.

Apple Cobbler recipe by Cooking Romania by Vivi

Easy Apple Cobbler

This is definitely one of the top easiest desserts ever. It is a filling, smooth, egg free dessert that takes only a few minutes to prepare. Watch the recipe video of our super simple version below, to see how easy it is to make an apple cobbler!