Home » Burgers


Homemade crispy chicken burger by Adara and Daria
Homemade crispy chicken burger by Adara and Daria

Welcome to the (homemade) BURGER category on Cooking Romania by Vivi!

In this category, you will find easy chicken, beef or pork homemade BURGER recipes.

Since the age of 6 I have been cooking and creating new, simple recipes. Since 2012, I have been focusing on easy recipes for busy people, as helping others not only brings good karma, but primarily makes me feel really good! Talking about karma, check out my self-realization journey for more details on how cooking and meditation are the same thing.

What is Cooking Romanian by Vivi about?

This cooking blog contains fun and easy recipes for busy peopleCooking Romania by Vivi mainly addresses businesspersons with a sense of cooking. I don’t have a lot of time to cook (although I would love to LIVE in the kitchen), so I thought I should share some tips and tricks that have made my life easy and my culinary talents quite popular.

Check out the BURGER category to discover easy recipes containing mainly meat, vegetables and buns. Leave a comment if you would like me to post another recipe you enjoy.


About me

I play at the intersection of food and self mastery.

Raw words, feelings, occasionally food.

More about me here and here


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